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全英文课程《科技写作》(Scientific Writing)选课通知

Dear Graduates

Scientific Writing for Soil Science and Agronomy Journals in English”course will be offered from September 23 to September 27, 2019.

Course number: W303216011

Classroom: 1st Teaching Building 507#. If you are interested, please Email teacher Yangbo He (kathy@mail.hzau.edu.cn) your name, student ID, major and department BEFORE September 12, 2019. You should also join in this QQ group: 762669260.

Registration: Please register through the Graduate Course online Registration System or register through the help of graduate secretory of your department.

Lecturer: Professor David Clay

Period: 5 days within the period: 09/23/2019 - 09/27/2019.

Department: College of Resources and Environment, HZAU

Course description:

The class is open to all graduate students who are interested, especially for majors of Soil Science, Agriculture and other associated majors. Dr. Clay will help students to prepare two papers, one general public and one as a scientific paper in English. The scientific paper could be a chapter in thesis. During scientific paper preparation, he will help student to learn how to make appropriate title, abstract, introduction, results and discussion based on his 30-year experience. Suggest students who have current-preparing manuscript bring with it during the class.

Knowledge at the end of the course:

1) Practice from the sentence structure writing to results and discussion writing

2) Technical writing is designed to share results with other scientists.  The goal of technical writing is to be precise and provide enough information so that other understands clearly what was accomplished

3) Students can present their data better with the help of editor

We have at least 5 days to teach:

Day 1: Lecture 1-3 (Introduction + sentence practice writing; 7:30-10:00PM)

Day 2: Lecture 4 - 5 (Public paper and scientific paper; 2:30-4:10PM)

Day 3: Lecture 6 -7 (Results and discussion practice; 2:30-4:10PM)

Lecture 8-10 (Results and discussion; 7:30-10:00PM)

Day 4: Lecture 11-13 (Paper practice writing; 7:30-10:00PM)

Day 5: Lecture 14-16 (Conclusions and comments; 7:30-10:00PM)




课程编号: W303216011

地点: 一教507。感兴趣的研究生请通过研究生课程系统选课。选课的学生请将姓名、学号、专业和学院在2019/9/12之前发给何阳波老师(kathy@mail.hzau.edu.cn)。同时请大家加入QQ群:762669260,方便上传课程资料。

讲课老师:  David Clay 教授

授课时间:  09/23/2019 - 09/27/2019

开课学院: 资源与环境学院

课程描述:《科技写作(Scientific Writing for Soil Science and Agronomy Journals in English)》,面向全校各专业研究生开设,尤其是适合农学、土壤学等相关专业正准备SCI论文的学生。采用全英文教学,依据Dr. Clay教授30年的经验帮助学生准备严谨的Public paper Scientific paper(包括如何写出科学、吸引人的title, abstract, introduction, results and discussion)。建议携带正在准备的与自己研究的有关的manuscript

1) 从句子练习到结果和讨论学习

2) 通过该课程的学习,帮助学生系统学习技术性写作,写作结果呈现准确、信息足够,以便其他人清楚地了解所完成的工作效果。

3) 学生们在主编的指导下更好的呈现自己的数据


第一天: Lecture 1-3 (introduction + sentence practice writing) ----7:30-10:00PM

第二天: Lecture 4 - 5 (Public paper and scientific paper; 2:30-4:10PM)

第三天: Lecture 6 -7 (Results and discussion practice; 2:30-4:10PM)

  Lecture 8-10 (Results and discussion; 7:30-10:00PM)

第四天: Lecture 11-13 (Paper practice writing; 7:30-10:00PM)

第五天: Lecture 14-16 (Conclusions and comments; 7:30-10:00PM)



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版权所有:华中农业大学研究生院   党委研究生工作部
