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作者:吴一超 付承霞编辑:彭士宁审核:蔡鹏发布时间:2023-07-17

近日,我校农业微生物资源发掘与利用全国重点实验室、资源与环境学院黄巧云教授团队在Nature Communications期刊发表题为“Cooperative microbial interactions drive spatial segregation in porous environments”的研究论文。该研究利用自主构建的土壤微流控芯片结合多组学技术,揭示了微生物相互作用驱动孔隙环境中生物膜群落组装及其空间生态位分化机制,为理解自然生态系统中微生物群落多样性的形成与稳定过程提供了新见解。




图1. 微生物互作驱动孔隙环境中生物膜群落组装及其空间生态位分化

华中农业大学资源与环境学院吴一超副研究员和博士研究生付承霞为论文共同第一作者,蔡鹏教授为论文通讯作者。华中农业大学黄巧云教授、高春辉副研究员、刘俊研究员、英国利兹大学Caroline L. Peacock教授、丹麦哥本哈根大学Søren J. Sørensen教授、英国皇家园艺学会Marc A. Redmile-Gordon研究员、中国科学院生态环境研究中心朱永官研究员、肖可青研究员、华中科技大学宋培义副教授、美国俄克拉荷马大学周集中教授等参与了本项研究工作。该研究得到了国家重点研发计划、国家杰出青年科学基金、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金等项目资助。


The role of microbial interactions and the underlying mechanisms that shape complex biofilm communities are poorly understood. Here we employ a microfluidic chip to represent porous subsurface environments and show that cooperative microbial interactions between free-living and biofilm-forming bacteria trigger active spatial segregation to promote their respective dominance in segregated microhabitats. During initial colonization, free-living and biofilm-forming microbes are segregated from the mixed planktonic inoculum to occupy the ambient fluid and grain surface. Contrary to spatial exclusion through competition, the active spatial segregation is induced by cooperative interactions which improves the fitness of both biofilm and planktonic populations. We further show that free-living Arthrobacter induces the surface colonization by scavenging the biofilm inhibitor, D-amino acids and receives benefits from the public goods secreted by the biofilm-forming strains. Collectively, our results reveal how cooperative microbial interactions may contribute to microbial coexistence in segregated microhabitats and drive subsurface biofilm community succession.

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版权所有:华中农业大学研究生院   党委研究生工作部
