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《The Role of Functional Foods in Healthy Diet》(功能性食品在人类健康饮食中的作用)全英文课程开课通知

Dear Graduates

The Role of Functional Foods in Healthy Diet course in English will be offered from April 2nd to April 6th, 2018 on the following schedule: 3 hours lecture in the morning/afternoon. Classroom is at food & science college building 445#. If you are interested, please Email teacher Su (suzheng@mail.hzau.edu.cn) your name, student ID, major BEFORE January 31st, 2018.

The Role of Functional Foods in Healthy Diet Teaching Plan :

College of Food Science & Technology, HZAU

Available in spring of 2018

Lecturer: John Van Camp

Period: 5 days within the following period: 02/04/2018 until 06/04/2018.

Key words: Digestion, metabolism, nutrients, human nutrition, functional foods

Course description:

Several end products are ingested (intentionally or not) by humans. This is certainly the case for foods, but also for drugs, additives and residues of primary agricultural production. A general basic knowledge on the intake, digestion, metabolism and interactions of nutrients in humans is therefore needed. This knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles of nutrition science will enable students to develop strategies for lifelong learning in nutrition science. Basic information is given on the principles of endogenous and microbial digestion and on the role of nutrients in metabolism. Techniques to determine the requirements for energy, protein and water are discussed. An overview is given of the role of oligo-nutrients and vitamins in human nutrition. Examples of new nutrients are given, and the position of new types of health promoting (functional) foods in the human diet is discussed. We will also make a calculation exercise on world food situation, using relevant websites from FAO and WHO.

Knowledge at the start of course: Profound knowledge of structure of biomolecules, glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, chemical reactions between organic molecules, morphology of bacteria, bacterial metabolism.

Knowledge at the end of the course:

1) The student will have a basic knowledge in the digestion and metabolism of nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, trace elements, vitamins) in the human body

2) The basic principles for determination of nutrient requirements in humans are understood.

3) The student can reflect critically around theoretical and practical questions related to nutrition and metabolism.

4) Students can position the use of functional foods within a healthy diet.

5) Students can make an appropriate calculation on the food situation in a predefined region using relevant websites of WHO and FAO.

We have at least 5 days to teach (3 hours lecture in the morning, and 3 hours in the afternoon):

Day 1: Lecture 1 (introduction) + Lecture 2 (digestion)

Day 2: Lecture 3 (metabolism) + Lecture 4 (food balance)

Day 3: Lecture 5 (anorganic nutrients) + Lecture 8 (exercise)

Day 4: Lecture 6 (vitamins and new nutrients) + Lecture 9 (exercise)

Day 5: Lecture 7 (functional foods) + Lecture 10 (feedback to questions)



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